Friday, December 6, 2013

Starting Evangelii Gaudium

 As we ramble through the writings of the secular media on this document, it's hard NOT to notice how they blow right past the title, "THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL" (emphasis Pope Francis). Somehow we keep getting propelled into the later sections of this masterpiece by those who are racing to convince the world that this is finally the pope who is going to change the Catholic Church and save us all from those who want to send us back into the dark ages. These secularists have managed to change "Evangelii Gaudium" into "Sanctum est Partitio Opum".

Tonight we will go through a few of the first numbers of Evangelii Gaudium and talk about how these first points that the pope makes actually set the stage for joyfully spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It will be parts 1-18 and this is a link if you want to print that section off.

Join us at 7:00 pm Eastern time, right here for a google hangout that will later be imbedded as a youtube video for future scrutiny.


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